
Whether its land that YOU OWN, or available land listed in our area, we can put together a land/home package deal for you that offers BETTER financing options, and the flexibility to choose the land AND the home you want to put together! See available land/lots below, or call us if you already have your own land, or have seen existing land you'd like to purchase!

Available Lots & Land For Sale!

Whether you're looking to settle into a neighborly subdivision, or be out in the "middle of nowhere", Home Connections can connect you to the RIGHT piece of land to put your new home on! We currently have HOMES FOR SALE in the following areas: 

  • 205 Grove Run Dr., Warsaw
  • 123 George Sumner Rd., Beulaville
  • 115 Orzo Dr., Beulaville 


Larger tracts available for farms/horses! Call us for more information!

No Down Payment?  Use Your Land!

Did you know that you can use your land as a down payment on your new home?  Just  bring in your last 2  pay check stubs and W2's, and we'll see if you qualify to use your land for your down payment!

For more information about this unique financing option, call or visit our sales center to speak to a housing specialist! Click the button below if you'd like to submit a full credit application for further consideration!

Let Us Custom Build Your Dream Home!

We can stick build your dream home with ALL the custom options you want! Call us or visit our sales center for more information!